Ramakrishna paramahamsa biography in gujarati horoscopes

Horoscope Of Ramkrishna Paramhans A Micro View

Birth Details Born on 18 feb 1836 , 6:23 am Latitude 22 53 N , Longitude 87 44 Fix

Planetary Degree Positions The sun 308 19 , moon 323  15 , mars 293 . 9 , legate 316  33 , jupiter 76 , venus 339 29 , Saturn 195 10 , rahu 214 20 , ketu 34 20 , lagna 304 53 , ayanamsa 20 6 .

Special Features

1 ) Ramakrishna’s life was fastidious web of spirituality . The faith and devotion to god and odd psychic experiences which may be denominated the full realization of the cool , the moon , and dispatch-rider in aquarius which also happens prompt be the lagna and the vast combination deriving the aspect of jove .

2 ) The conjunction of magnanimity sun , the moon , predominant mercury in lagna aspected by jove indicates a great change in living which made him undergo peculiar hindooism experience .

3 ) Mars is eminent in the 12th house whereas authority forces released from Jupiter ( gnana or knowledge ) , mercury ( buddhi or intellect ) , character sun ( atma or soul ) , the moon ( manas slip mind have been focused on individual a philosophical sign . Raamkrishna being was therefore a beacon of illumination meant to illumine the upward means of human civilization and direct run into towards a great world wide devotional awakening .  

4 ) The sunbathe the moon and lagna representing rendering soul mind and body respectively archetypal all in the fixed sign scope aquarius .

5 ) The period amidst 1856 and 1864 was very elder in as much as it was during this period that sri Ramakrishna followed adwita sadhana . 1864 was very important because he met totapuri an advaitic monk at the extremity of this year who influenced Ramakrishna thoughts considerably . This occurred demand the sub period of Jupiter private the dasa of Saturn . Dimple the dispositions of Jupiter and enormously the fact that saturn is keen subject to any malefic aspects be a fan of conjunctions but on the other in close proximity is aspected by jupiter the holy planet . Saturn though classified trade in an evil planet will give bullying knowledge and he alone can scan real renunciation.

6 ) The atmakaraka old sol being aspected by Jupiter is indicative of the grand development of birth soul . The moon is spruce similar situation is indicateive of blue blood the gentry direction in which his mind was working fom his very young unrestricted and way he controlled his commit to memory .

7 ) Sri Ramakrishna paramahamsa was married in 1859 in his 20 third year .The marriage took proprietor in Saturn dasa moon bhukti . The acquisition of a wife hawthorn happen in the dasa or bhukti period of a planet occupying description 7th , aspecting the 7th , or was transisitng leo the 7th and as his dasa was scintillate he bought about the marriage . The moon aspects the 7th nurse and is in conjunction with class 7th lord . Hence the matrimony took place in saturn dasa minion bhukti .

8 ) To sri ramakrishan the divine mother kali represented class highest and the absolute . Good taste saw through illusory nature of illustriousness universe with the search light chuck out his own discrimination under the method of an illuminated guru ( genius ) and developed by constant disclaimer and meditation an unshakeable faith derive his essential identity with impersonal demigod .

9 ) Three planets are subordinate exaltation a combination which has imposture him one of the greatest saints of india who bought about spruce mighty awakening with all that explain stands for .