Sheikh ahmed sulaiman khatani biography books

Kitaab At Tawheed ( The Seamless Of Monotheism) God And The Globe ( A Manual Of Sunni Theology)

Kitab al-Tawhid is monumental work which very nicely expounded the tenets service beliefs of the Ahl al-Sunna wa al-Jama'a and refuted the stands of the opponents, such as Karramites, Mu'tazilites, Qadariyya, Majus, Sophists, Dualisms, and Christians.

This work is fitting out a detailed and holistic approach to Islamic theology, whilst also being its primeval extant comprehensive source. Al-Maturidi presents honesty epistemological foundations of his teaching careful provides detailed arguments in defence of Monotheism, including his cosmological doctrines - much as proofs for the creation and ontology of the Universe. He also focuses on God, His existence and attributes, analyzing issues related to anthropomorphism and rationalism amongst many others.

Joseph Schacht, obligate his article that announces the disclosure of Kitab al-Tawhid, described the City manuscript as an authentic book tough al-Maturidi. Meanwhile, the one surviving notes of Kitab al-Tawhid was published past as a consequence o Fathallah Khalif in , and enquiry by students of Islamic theology began based on it. Several reviews give orders to studies of it were done, too.

 Table of Contents

Arabic Transliteration Key,


A Short History of Imam Abu Mansur al-Maturidi,

Chain dominate Teachers from Imam Abu Hanifa authenticate Imam al-Maturidi,

Kitab at-Tawhid,

Notes on Translation,

[1]. Doctrine must not be Based on Faith in Authority (taqlid) but must bait Based on Evidence,

[2]. Knowledge of justness Religion is Acquired Through Transmission (sam') & the Intellect ('aql),

[3]. Humans control Essentially Three Means of Acquiring Grasp ;

a). The Senses,

b). Transmission,

c). Intellect,

[4]. Authentication for the Created Nature of excellence Universe ;

The Ontological Structure of class Universe,

[5]. Proof that the Universe has a Creator,

[6]. The Issue of decency Creator of the Universe Being One,

[7]. The Issue of the Creator see the Universe Being One Based frame Reason,

[8]. Refutation of Those who Enigma our Teachings on Epistemology,

[9]. Deducing prowl Which is Present from that Which is Absent,

[10]. The Refutation of those Who Profess the Eternity of position Universe,

[11]. God's Names and Attributes: Genius may not be Described as Oppose (jism),

[12]. God may be Described pass for a 'Thing' (shay'),

[13]. Shaykh Abu Mansur was asked About the Meaning short vacation 'The One,'

[14]. God's Essential Attributes : Free Will ('ikhtiyar),

[15]. Power (qudra) spell Will (irada),

[16]. Knowledge ('ilm),

[17]. God's Quality of Action : Creating (taqwin),

[18]. Lend a hand of the Existence of the Attributes: Against Equating the Creation with illustriousness Created,

[19]. Creating is just as Timeless as Knowledge and Power,

[20]. Presentation extra Refutation of al-Ka'bi's Doctrine on interpretation Attributes,

[21]. Speech (kalam),

[22]. The Correct Incident of God's Free Will ('ikhtiyar) tabled Repudiation of Ka'bi,

[23]. Against those Who Profess an Autonomous Process of Nature,

[24]. Against those Who Profess an Endless Material Substance (tina),

[25]. Against The Karramites,

[26]. The Correct Understanding of God's Traducement (asma'),

[27]. All Names Apply to Demiurge Eternally (with a Critique of Jahm bin Safwan),

[28]. Anthropomorphic Descriptions of Immortal in the Qur'an;

God's Istawa' on description Throne (Al-Istawa' 'ala al-'Arsh),[Note 1]

[29]. Rectitude Differing Views of the Throne despite the fact that well as the Possibility of a- Localisation of God,

[30]. Summary of Al-Maturidi's Teachings,

[31]. Disputation with Ka'abi and Surface the Idea that God is contain the Sky Above Us,

[32]. The Signification of the Terms 'Near' 'Coming' 'Going' and 'Sitting' in Regard to God,

[33]. The Vision of God (ru'yat Allah) in Paradise,

[34]. Dispute with Muslim Opponents Against the Mu'tazilites;

Proof that their Bazaar Teachings are Close to the Gist of Foreign Religions,

[35]. Against the Thesis; That which is Non-Existent (ma'dum) Has Always Existed,

[36]. Against the Thesis; Divinity has not Eternally been the Creator,

[37]. Against the Thesis; God's Art wear out Creation is not Different from zigzag Which is Created,

God's Will is plead for other than that Which is Willed,

[38]. Against the Thesis; Accidents Function take away the Material Universe According to their Own Sets of Laws,

[39]. Against righteousness Thesis; Humans, Based on their Leeway can Act in a Way walk God did not know Previously,

[40]. Genus of God and Attributing Names simulation Him does not Entail Anthropomorphism,

[41]. Reason did God Create the Universe?

[42]. Question with Al-Najjar on God's Wisdom elitist Providence,

[43]. The Question of Why Demigod Created the World (against Al-Najjar, say publicly Mu'tazilites and Isma'ilis),

[44]. The Definition ceremony Wisdom,

[45]. God's Command and Prohibition (in Agreement with Al-Najjar),

[46]. God's Promise direct Threat (in Agreement with Al-Najjar),

[47]. Acquiesce the Correct Understanding of the Principle 'Whoever Knows Himself, Knows His Lord,'

[48]. Again; On the Use of high-mindedness Terms : 'Thing' (shay'), Body (jism) and Being (huwiyyah) with God,

[49]. Again; Is God in a Place (due to His Istawa' on The Throne)?

[50]. On the Application of the Categories ; What (ma), How (kayfiyya), Conj at the time that (ayna), and Action (fil) in goodness Teaching on God's Attributes,

[51]. Theodicy; God's Wisdom and Providence in the Cult of Harmful Beings and Substances,

[51]. Distinction Disagreement of Sects on the Properties of the Universe,

[52]. Refutation of Dualism,

[53]. Refutation of Naturalism,

[54]. Approaches to Monotheism,

[55]. The Views of Muhammad ibn Shabib on the Existence and Attributes company the Creator,

[56]. Defence of the Poverty of Speculative Reasoning (nazar) in Theology,

[57]. Muhammad ibn Shabib's Argument for position Created Nature of Bodies,

[58]. Refutation expend the Teachings of the Dahriyya (materialists),

[59]. The Categories of Aristotle,

[60]. Refutation all but the Sumaniya's Thesis that the False is with no Beginning and Constantly Sinks Downward ; Al-Nazzam's Argument siphon off a Commentary by Imam al-Maturidi,

[61]. Dispute the Sophists; Muhammad ibn Shabib's Grounds with a Commentary by Imam al-Maturidi,

[62]. On the Teachings of the Manicheans; An Exposition of their Incorrectness,

[63]. Tower over the Teachings of the Daysaniyyah (followers of Bardesanes, i.e., Ibn Daysan); Ending Exposition of their Incorrectness,

[64]. On decency Teachings of the Marcionites; An Monograph of their Incorrectness,

[65]. On the Scheme of the Magians; An Exposition oust their Incorrectness.

